.:It's all about us:.
You took me right out of the blue......simply by showing that You love me too......only by giving me Your everything......with a love so true.......You took me out of the blue.....
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Happy long weekend
Waaahhh..senengnya mulai besok long weekend will be started!
Dari kamis sampe senen lho..lumayan lagi..(it's good to know that we won't feel any monday sickness syndrom, cause we all know: everybody hates monday!)
However...buat tanggal 17 agustus besok..emang liburan gw blm bisa dibilang full holiday siy...knapa eh knapa?
soalnya besok gw harus ngikutin upacara bendera bo' !!! haree genee ??!
Serasa balik lagi ke jaman2 sekolah dulu, berdiri di lapangan, dijemur, pake topi, keringetan, bau matahari, bla..bla..bla..pokoknya ga ada enak2nya.
Cuman bedanya kalo sekarang diharuskan pake seragam korpri dan kayaknya sih upacaranya ga bakalan selama anak2 sekolahan (gilingan aje..mo ngerjain bapak2 ibu2 yang udah berumur apa?!)
Abis itu katanya ada acara makan bareng alias tumpengan..hmmm..yummy...
but still! I hate the ceremony and the uniform :(

Well afterall...happy long weekend to everyone dan titi dj juga buat yang mo pulang kampung (hiks..pengennn...but I'll just spend my whole weekend in Bandung, mo keliling2 ajah nyari makanan ama rumah murah).

Have a great time !!! (o^_^o)

posted by a full time wanderer @ 12:57:00 PM  
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