.:It's all about us:.
You took me right out of the blue......simply by showing that You love me too......only by giving me Your everything......with a love so true.......You took me out of the blue.....
Friday, February 20, 2009
These are us...how's yours?!
This is so me!!!! heran kok bisa pas banget yah :-?
try your own here.

You are Yellow Pegasus, who makes favorable impression to all types of people, and are down-to-earth and gentle.
You are very intelligent, and at the same time, give an impression of being very sensitive.
You are a hard working person.
And tend to feel uneasy, if you don't have anything to do.
Therefore, you always find some work to do.
You like to work.
But this may mean that you are trying to over come your own anxiety.
You have a sense of a creator.
Your curiosity is great, and you react to changes sensitively and quickly.
You put importance on your instinct and preferences.
However, you can also see things subjectively and logically.
You have very youthful sense, and can come up with plans that meet the needs of the time.
But you tend to lack decision making and putting into action.
You tend to think only through your point of view, so you are not very good at making decisions relating to broader subjects.
You are not suited to take leadership.
You would be good to act as a brain in a group.
When you feel high about the life, you show exceptionally strong power.
If you devote yourself to work, you can come out with exceedingly good results.


yang ini karakternya ayah:
*cucok lho bow..gw ga cocok jadi leader but he can take the leadership anywhere katanya;;)*

You are Silver Elephant who is cool and collected.
Your physique is rather massive, but has elegance.
Your motto is effort and guts to fight.
You would be the center of people and can take leadership anywhere you go.
You have a strong sense of justice, and are a big brother type, who can look after the others.
You are sharp on personal interests, and are cool enough to look over the whole before going into relations.
You have pure and earnest personality.
You don't agree to something that you are not convinced or anything without explanation.
You only tend to agree to reasonable answers.
Although you are cool and collected, you also are a person of action.
You react quickly to what's happening in the world, and will be able to take the path which leads to sure and steady success without hesitation.
This will eventually lead to significant leap.
It is important not to miss that opportunity, by thinking about the others too much.
People will leave you for a one-man attitude.
Try to control your arrogance, and be modest, and listen to what the other people have to say.
It is important especially if you wish to create mutual trust in relationship,
You will be good as a business founder.
If you meet a partner who can make quick decisions, it is likely that you will succeed.

kalo yang ini karakternya Habibi:
*he's going to be a very cheerful and lovely person:x*

You are Black Monkey, whose character is cheerful, amiable and simple.
You possess both smartness and gracefulness.
Your appearance is youthful, and no matter how old you get, you will always have a young heart.
You don't worry much about someone being late with appointment, or your subordinates making mistakes.
Nevertheless, you tend to be proud, so when you face troubles that hurt your dignity, you suffer a great shock.
You tend to be rather faddish.
Even if you are talking with someone you don't like, you can show smile on your face, and actually inside, you are being hard on your preferences.
You hate to lose.
You put in great effort not to get behind others.
You have a tendency to show yourself big, by saying that you know things, even if really, you don't.
In the atmosphere where you can relax, you show great natural sense of humor, and amiableness.
You have a huge dream, and will work hard to make that come true.
You will not get in a rush, and will follow your own pace.
You are good at handling numbers.
You can persuade other by using data, and therefore, you tend to have a bottom-line thinking even in private matters.
You are not good at reading deeper thoughts.
If you can overcome this weakness, you will have far greater chance of success.
posted by a full time wanderer @ 1:48:00 PM   0 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Habibi and The Jumbo Bread

hehe..jangan kuatir, roti segede gaban itu masih tersisa kok nggak diabisin habibi sendiri...cuma ya ada bekas cuilan dan gerogotan disana sini pastinya ;;);;);;)
posted by a full time wanderer @ 7:14:00 PM   0 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Tragedi di suatu Weekend

Sekitar 2 minggu yang lalu ada kejadian heboh yg sempet freaked us out.
Ceritanya waktu itu hari sabtu, gw lagi belanja di Jabal halal market trus habibi dan ayahnya nungguin di luar. Seperti biasa Habibi ngga bisa diem, lari-lari trus akhirnya jatuh.
Yang bikin panik *entah kayak gimana posisi jatuhnya* dahi dan pelipis Habibi berdarah dan lumayan banyak.
Sebenernya waktu itu berasa juga kalo Habibi nggak papa karena abis nangis (wajar dong ya) dianya trus masih ngoceh-ngoceh gitu di mobil. Cuma karena darah yg banyak tadi trus berhubung kita lagi nggak dirumah (jadi ngga bisa ngebersihin lukanya), akhirnya langsung inisiatif aja dibawa ke Canberra Hospital *buat dicek aja in case ada luka yg harus dijahit*

Di emergency room, habibi langsung diperiksa nurse yg bertugas (sebelum minta ketemu dokter harus 'ngelewatin' nurse dulu buat dipastiin perlu ketemu dokter apa nggak).
Lukanya dibersihin pake alkohol trus karena ada wound yg lumayan panjang dan agak lebar jadi mo dikasi semacam glue buat nutup lukanya. Alhamdulillah ngga harus dijahit.
Pas si nurse masang glue, habibipun bikin heboh se-ER dengan jeritan-jeritan mautnya. Maklum, habibi sepertinya trauma dengan yg namanya dokter, rumah sakit dan sebangsanya karena waktu baru nyampe ostrali dulu datang2 langsung dapet suntikan imunisasi 5 macem bow (yg harganya mahal2 di Ind tap gratis disini, alhamdulillah).
Sampe butuh 3 orang nurse buat menangani habibi, yg satu ngasi glue yg dua megangin habibi yang lagi diiket pake sprei (salah satu nursenya sampe nyanyiin lagu anak2 gitu).

Waktu nunggu giliran, habibi sempet main2 dulu di playing areanya rumah sakit yang lengkap kayak di child care. Interior Canberra hospital bagus banget kayak RS Borromeus di bandung lah contohnya padahal ini RS umumya bukan swasta. Duh kapan ya Ind bisa punya RS kyk gini, udah ada sih pastinya tapi RS swasta yg mahal.
Yang mengejutkan, waktu lagi asik2nya main di playground, gw baru nyadar ternyata habibi hapal alphabet A-Z bow!!!*dalam bhs inggris ya*:-O Ga nyangka soalnya habibi masih berumur 2 tahun 2 bulan, trus di child care nya juga jelas2 belum diajarin gituan. Di rumah habibi emang sering nonton dvd brainy baby yg seri alphabet, makanya dia hapal dari situ (padahal cuma nonton doang dan ngga pernah diajarin hehe).You're amazing my boy...

*hari minggunya, ayahnya habibi beliin mainan segambreng buat penghibur, salah satunya mainan diatas (yg ujung2nya bikin gw uring2an karena bikin rumah tambah sesak dan berantakan)*

Anyhow *back to the topic*...it was quite a drama of course. Baru pertama kalinya ke rumah sakit selama tinggal disini (ga mikir ba bi bu langsung serbu rumah sakitnya aja).
And obviously, sakit disini bener2 ngabisin duit ya bow'...masa iya cuma ngelem luka kayak gitu doang (plus sebiji es krim buat penghibur), costnya sebesar $400!!!!! (alias 3juta aja gitu)b-(.
Untung punya asuransi jadi ga bayar sepeserpun #:-S
posted by a full time wanderer @ 2:01:00 PM   0 comments
1st Australian Day in Canberra
Australian day sebenernya udah dirayain hampir sebulan yg lalu, tepatnya tgl 26 Januari. Entah yg menjadi bahan pertimbangan dipilihnya tanggal tersebut untuk memperingati hari Ostralia *yg notebene 'bukan' independence day' mereka*..tapi beberapa waktu lalu sempet baca di Canberra times ada salah satu tokoh di Ostrali sini yg mengusulkan agak si PM Mr Rudd mau mempertimbangkan pemilihan hari lain utk perayaan Australian day tsb.
Agak aneh bacanya, soalnya kalo di Ind kan hari kemerdekaan nggak mungkin diubah-ubah ya bow....lagian orang2 Ostrali sini terkesan hanya memperngati hari tsb untuk bersenang-senang dan sebagai momen 'penyambutan' orang-orang yg baru dapat Australian citizenship.
Sekali lagi, teramat aneh kalo dibandingkan dengan perayaan 17an di Indonesia.
Tidak ada bendera2 terpajang dimana-mana seperti halnya setiap rumah di Ind yang sebulan sebelumnya sudah diworo-woro sama RTnya masing-masing agar memasang bendera atau pernak-pernik merah-putih lainnya. Kind of hideous emang...tapi kalo nilai nasionalisme-nya lumayan berasa lho..dibandingkan disini yg diperingati dengan cara menggelar konser-konser musik.
Hehe...sekali lagi ini hanya sekedar perbandingan dari pandangan gw pribadi.
What so ever...yang jelas kita cukup menikmati pertunjukan fireworks pada malam harinya yg cukup spektakuler dan dramatis I guess..karena ada narator dan background musik yang cukup bombastis *serasa berada ditengah2 arena pertandingan Quiditch-nya harry potter:D*.
Anyway...happy birthday Australia, thanks for welcoming us to stay here for the next 2 years ^:)^

*gambar diambil beberapa jam sebelum show fireworks dimulai (sekitar jam 7pm-an gitu). It was such a great sunset scene in our backdrops..sayang baterei kameranya udah abis jadi ga sempet ngambil foto banyak2 krn dihemat buat ngeshoot fireworks
posted by a full time wanderer @ 1:44:00 PM   0 comments
Habibi *update version*
sesuai rekuesnya mbak ini, silakan dinikmati beberapa apdetan berikut;;)

*baru nyadar kalo ternyata foto2nya Habibi yg sendirian dikit banget..lebih banyak foto2 bundanya yg narsis hehe..:D *

posted by a full time wanderer @ 1:30:00 PM   0 comments

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